Tzachi Zamir

Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Tzachi Zamir’s current research explores philosophical dimensions of dramatic acting. He is interested in self-dramatization, on the stage (or off it) and theatrical role-playing. His forthcoming book Acts: Studies in Self-Theatricalization (The University of Michigan Press) includes essays on these topics.

He is also interested in philosophical readings of Shakespeare (an approach he began outlining in his Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama Princeton, 2006), in moral aspects of human-animal relations (Ethics and the Beast Princeton, 2007) and literary representation of animals.

Prof Zamir has published various articles in all these topics and he has recently been awarded with The Philosophical Quarterly Essay Prize. For more details please visit his website.


The inner paradise: philosophy-poetry warfare in Milton’s Paradise Lost
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
16:00-18:00 at Senate Room, Senate House